Bisexual refers to an individual who is attracted towards both the opposite and the gender of their own.

A bisexual woman can have sexual intercourse with a man and a woman at the same time but if it comes to relationship she might chose for a male partner to maintain a social norm and the possibility of having and raising children in a family context.

The bisexual woman won’t necessarily hide her bisexual desires from her male partner due to the fact that men love the idea of their partners attraction to the same sex. The thought of their partner having physical contact with an other woman can be a trigger for arousal, let  alone the actual action. That’s right! Bisexual woman often bring a third party in to their sexual encounters, maybe on special occasions or maybe on a regular basis. These women find and convince someone who their have sexual chemistry with to join in for some steamy hot action.

Bisexual escorts are a hot commodity among couples, especially if the lady partner is bisexual. Sometimes the men takes initiative to surprise his lady partner with an other gorgeous lady to please her and him in various ways or it might be her initiating a fun night. When it comes to threesomes, bisexual women take lead. It often occurs that the ladies get so busy with one another that the male in the game is left with just the view. Which is a win-win situation anyway. Sex toys like dildos, strap-ons, anal toys are routinely involved for reciprocal stimulations even if a man is present. For this ladies the penis only just won’t do it.

Bisexual women are open minded in their sexual relationships. They don’t mind sharing their male partner with an other woman if their are or are not involved in the action. Until they are satisfied and their sexual needs are regularly met, their man is free to have more sexual partners. It is not unusual for the bisexual woman to choose the other woman for their partner to have sex with with the idea for her to join in at a later moment. This practice occurs mostly when the female chosen is not bisexual or does not know it yet. The male partner will first have sexual contact alone with the chosen partner than slowly he can convince her to have sex with his actual partner too. To some women this idea of getting involved in a couples sexual habits would be a complete no go at first but it pretty much works out fine after the inhibitions are gone and the person acknowledges that the female partner really desires this. Practice of bisexuality is a common thing among modern couples.


Escort girls enjoy a large demand to please couples of all nationalities, social backgrounds and age categories.
Being an escort and bisexual involves that you are open for playing, touching, kissing and perhaps to orally please the female partner as well as the male. Still safety comes first and all the pleasure should be done protected. Sometimes oral sex for a woman requires more chemistry than orally pleasing a man thus guaranteed oral for the female partner does not exist.

Even if the escort lady visiting is bisexual but does not do oral on other women the encounter can be just as pleasant.

No pussy licking does not exclude fingering, touching, kissing and not to forget about the abundance of sex toys out there. Full service for the male partner is always guaranteed. That is not injustice it is just how things work in escort world.

Sometimes there are single men ordering a bisexual duo of escort girls in this case the two ladies will please each other and at the same time please their gentleman caller. This girls usually have had previous sexual experiences with each other, are girlfriends who are used to work together and enjoy each other’s company. Being bisexual is a blessing! More options to choose from and never a boring experience. Even if not every encounter involves more partners, the possibility of it to happen can keep things alive and burning with bright flames.